Friday, May 22, 2009

Just Finished a 21-Day Cleanse!

Howdy Etherworld--

For those of you who know me, you probably know I've been doing Standard Process' 3-week Purification Cleanse,which has presented a host of ups and downs, which is why I've been out of pocket in terms of posting. But it's been worth it in terms of mental clarity, me thinks.

It is a rather rigid yet still doable cleanse that goes thusly:

All foods mentioned are to be preferably organic.

Days 1-10 - Eat NO animal protein, only veggies and a cup of lentils and 1/2 cup of brown/wild rice. You can also eat fruit but you have to eat twice as many veggies as fruits. You can have sweet potatos, avocados, and bananas, but not if you are trying to lose weight and frankly, most people I know are, so that's kinda a bummer.

Days 11-21--Continue eating the above but you can add fish and chicken.

You can have good oils, including butter and coconut oil, but only 4-7 TEAspoons/day.

Take supplements to cleanse the liver, kidneys and to alkalize the body. Also, you take alot of fiber pills and 1-5 shakes with protein powder and vitamins.

No alcohol.

It has been a mostly good experience except for bloating and grumpiness. Grumpiness due to fact that despite its myriad cons, animal protein does provide all the essential amino acids that form the building blocks for neurotransmitters. It is possible to get these from non animal protein, it's just a lot harder. If any of you know how to do this successfully, please email me.

But it's been good. I won't lie: my compliance to the cleanse was around 60%, but just with that, my tastebuds have been reset so I'm not craving sugar and the like. This is very good and reason enought to recommend the cleanse. If I'd adhered more strictly, I would likely have lost weight. I think I lost some, but I'm afraid it may be muscle weight b/c I didn't lift weights during the cleanse.

If you don't do this one, it's recommended that you cleanse your liver twice a year.

Stay tuned: the next post is going to be a great one--I got the results back from the NutrEval test, which assesses vitamin levels and deficiencies and much much more. It's truly awesome in terms of its scope.

Until then...

Think to your health,


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