Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bromide Blues


Whatever bromide is made up of, it's nassssteeeee. How do I know this? Because I'm in the throes of bromide detox, which sometimes happens when you start Iodine supplementation. Highlights include:

  • Deep dark thoughts. Yesterday, I thought I wanted to give my dog back to the pound. For anyone who knows me, this is unthinkable cos I really love my dog.

  • Creepy crawling feelings in my legs--like what I'd imagine restless leg syndrome might be.

  • Ti-ti-ti-tiredness. Want to sleep much of the day.

  • Strange, random pains like someone knifing me FROM THE INSIDE.

These are all in keeping with symptoms of bromide detox. Here's a list of them and some ideas for helping the symptoms:

Note: this is a breast cancer site because iodine supplementation is indicated for breast cancer and fibrocystic disease.

Here's a great site explaining the need for iodine supplementation:

The symptoms are waning and I'm looking forward to being detoxed from bromide--as well as flouride and mercury asap.

Will keep you posted. In the meantime....

Think to your health.


PS I'd love to hear from fellow health trekkies. Email me.

1 comment:

Miller Williams said...

Hey there. How did your detox turn out? How long did it take? Did you feel different for the better afterwards?