Monday, April 27, 2009

While you are pursuing health, don't forget to add some pleasure

Hi Fellow Health Seekers---

So I've been doing so much research on health, pursuing this and that and I noticed I started feeling less that great. I think that when you focus too long on finding something wrong, you forget everything that's right about yourself. And for most of us, especially the ladies, we need to know how right everything is.

So I started finding small ways to give myself fun--I put on my Ipod and danced around my living room and stared at myself in the mirror for a while. So go outside, get a massage, rub lotion on your skin and go out with your girlfriends. Or make a date with your man and have your own pleasure party. Above everything else, make sure you have fun everyday. Make it an absolute priority. Make it the journey, not the destination.

That's cos fun and pleasure are the best nutrition you can have. I find the more pleasure I have, the less I eat and the better I feel. I feel sated and not bloated from overeating.

I've been reading two great books on fun and pleasure by Regena Thomashauer. They are called Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts and Mama Gena's Owner's and Operator's Guide to Men. Highly recommend them both.

So take your supplements, eat well, but do something fun and pleasurable to you daily. It's crucial and part of how you...

Think to your health,

Very best,


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