Friday, April 24, 2009

Vitamin D Triumph, Mitochondria Renewal, and Pleasure


Great news: my Vitamin D levels are way up! It's so great to have proof that supplements work. I went from a level of 23 NG/ML to a level of 49 NG/ML. The optimal level is between 50-60, so I am almost there!

I was supplementing at 6000 IU daily with Biotics Forte D Emulsion (purchase it below or get it from your doctor)

Now I'm at 4000 IU every other day and still trying to get sunshine, but it's getting way hot here in Austin, so will have to see how that goes.

In really exciting news, I just read a pamphelet called The Secret Life of Mitochondria, which outlines a program for generating a new mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cells. Mitochondria are essential for energy maintenance, reduced adiposity and anti-aging. Here's a pdf version of the report.

Xymogen is the name of the company that published this report. They also offer something called a Mitochondria Renewal Kit, which I want to try. It is costly at $150, but I've heard that it works great. I'll report back.

Beyond vitamins is the all important world of pleasure. Make sure to take your vitamins but also have a very strong daily dose of pleasure, whatever that is to you (and yes, orgasms or recommended).

Stay tuned for the next post: I get the results back from my very comprehensive vitamin and mineral screen.

Remember: think to your health!

All my best,



Unknown said...

Marie, read you want to try the Mitochondrial Renewal Kit by Xymogen. I ordered some from They don't stock right now but they will special order for 126.65

Unknown said...

Marie, found this blog post after searching on mitochondrial renewal. I live in Austin, too. Just did a consult with People's Pharmacy (Jim Meyer, great guy) and I just started on the Xymogen product. Will provide feedback later. I'm actually going through a bit of a detox reaction now, which is encouraging. Jim explained that the mitochondria are getting enough energy now that they can start expelling waste and toxins from the cells. Can't wait to see where I'm at in a few weeks. Would love to hear if you've yet tried this product.

All the best.

Health Nut Auckland said...

Two things help mitochondria. Vit B and APS therapy which inputs Action potentials (restoring cell connectivity) and ramps up the ATP for energy. Read my Blog:

Unknown said...

I have worked with patients with metabolic syndrome. For the past 15 of those thirty years, I have collected data on over 6000 patients. I have found the following to be true with my patients who present with metabolic vitamin D side effects